Changing the Culture of Medicine Through Direct Primary Care

As we have said in the past, at Functional Family Medicine, we take extreme pride in being the best source in Albuquerque for healthcare, as well as being one of New Mexico’s only Direct Primary Care Providers. This does not mean that we want to remain one of New Mexico’s only DPC providers, however, as we believe that increasing the amount of DPC providers will only go to improve the health of our community overall. It is with this in mind that we try to shine a spotlight on medical practices across the country who are having success with the Direct Primary Care system.

Recently, we came across an article that details a Direct Primary Care Practice which is having exceptional success with the DPC form of healthcare. The Oklahoma-based practice is run by Dr. Jeffrey Davenport, who left the traditional healthcare system “after years of feeling fatigued seeing dozens of patients a day, and jumping through insurance company hoops.” He then fully adopted the DPC method, offering 24/7, full-time service to his patients for a low monthly fixed rate. Today, his practice is booming, with approximately 400 patients utilizing Dr. Davenport’s services.

This comes as no surprise to us at Functional Family Medicine, as we are all too familiar with the problems that exist in healthcare today, and have previously profiled other healthcare professionals who have embraced alternatives to standard health care. While the actions of health professionals such as Dr. Davenport are improving the presence of DPC as a viable healthcare alternative, Direct Primary Care still remains only a small fraction of the total practices across the country. We believe that it will take a concerted effort by both healthcare professionals, as well as their patients, for DPC to become a mainstream, widely-utilized form of healthcare.

Among the actions which we believe will help most in changing the culture of medicine are:

  • Spread Awareness: This is the most important factor which will go towards bringing DPC to the forefront. Although Direct Primary Care is increasing in popularity, it remains only a small fraction of the current healthcare landscape. By increasing awareness of DPC as an alternative to traditional healthcare, demand will only increase. As the laws of supply and demand dictate, as demand grows, supply will grow as a result, increasing the amount of DPC offerings, overall.
  • Change Legislation: Many states, as well as the federal government, currently have legislation in place which inhibits DPC’s growth. By fighting against these state and federal measures, as recommended by a study written by Daniel McCorry, we can remove the unnecessary burdens faced by many health professionals.
  • Utilize Available Direct Primary Care Practices: There can be no growth in the field of Direct Primary Care if the available DPC options aren’t utilized by the citizens which the practice serves. By using your local DPC practice, you help these practices grow, as well as giving a personal example to those close to you who may be considering, or have no current knowledge of, Direct Primary Care.

By each of us doing our part to help Direct Primary Care practices grow, we increase the visibility and viability of DPC as a whole. If more doctors and patients were to utilize the Direct Primary Care system, not only could we reduce stranglehold which insurance companies have on modern medicine, but we can also improve the health of our citizens, as well. We hope that more doctors and patients will take the lead of Dr. Davenport and his patients, so we can begin creating a country where Direct Primary Care is the standard, and not the exception.

If you would like to learn more about DPC, we invite you to ask yourself, “Why Choose Direct Primary Care?” from Functional Family Medicine.

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